Web Services Requirements Overview (Tires)

Web Services Requirements Overview (Tires)


Wholesale Web Services Requirements Overview

TireConnect supports wide range of industry standard protocols and connectivity methods.

Outlined below are general requirements which will provide TireConnect platform with the ability to inquire on behalf of a specific dealer with a tire size or part number(s) and receive matching tires with quantity and dealer’s cost.

Dealer Authentication

All industry standard methods are supported and acceptable. 

Required Methods / Endpoints

Search by size

 Request structure


  1. width 

  2. profile

  3. rim

Or it can be just size param that will accept raw size.


  1. min_quantity - minimum qty that available in stock

 Request example with width, height & rim

{ "width":205, "profile":55, "rim":16, "min_quantity":1 }

Request example with size

Note: Preferably, if you are selling commercial tires, as the raw size is more convenient for conveying their dimensions.

{ "size":"2055516", "min_quantity":1 }

Response structure

 List of tires

  • brand

  • part_number (manufacturer part number, IMPORTANT: should not contain any other characters)

  • quantity breakdown (if present)

    • branch 1

    • branch 2

  • cost

  • retail_price (if applicable)

  • fet (The Federal Excise Tax (if applicable))


  • delivery_info - estimated delivery date, shipping cost, etc. can be on item level or branch level

  • shipping_cost - estimated shipping cost

  • delivery_date - estimated delivery date

  • cutoff - delivery cutoff time

  • branches.type In case there is an option for customer to have primary, alternative & other it can be branches.type for example, with values: primary, alternative, other. Or it can be just mark of primary branch for customer. Can be just true/false in case it’s only primary & other, for example primary: true/false

 Response example

[ { "part_number":"000094", "brand":"Bridgestone", "retail_price":25.5, "cost":20, "fet":18.4, "branches":[ { "name":"Branch 1", "id":1, "quantity":4, "type":"primary", "delivery_info":{ "shipping_cost":89.41, "delivery_date":"2024–12–01T15:00:00-03:00", "cutoff":"2024–12–01T10:00:00-03:00" } }, { "name":"Branch 2", "id":2, "quantity":4, "type":"alternative", "delivery_info":{ "shipping_cost":89.41, "delivery_date":"2024–12–01T15:00:00-03:00", "cutoff":"2024–12–01T10:00:00-03:00" } }, { "name":"Branch 3", "id":3, "quantity":4, "type":"other", "delivery_info":{ "shipping_cost":89.41, "delivery_date":"2024–12–01T15:00:00-03:00", "cutoff":"2024–12–01T10:00:00-03:00" } } ] } ]


Search by part numbers

 Request structure


  • part_numbers[] (multiple part numbers should be supported)


  • min_quantity - minimum qty that available in stock

 Request example

Response structure (identical to search by size response)

 List of tires

  • brand

  • part_number (manufacturer part number, IMPORTANT: should not contain any other characters)

  • quantity breakdown (if present)

    • branch 1

    • branch 2

  • cost

  • retail_price (if applicable)

  • fet (The Federal Excise Tax (if applicable))


  • delivery_info - estimated delivery date, shipping cost, etc. can be on item level or branch level

  • shipping_cost - estimated shipping cost

  • delivery_date - estimated delivery date

  • cutoff - delivery cutoff time

  • branches.type In case there is an option for customer to have primary, alternative & other it can be branches.type for example, with values: primary, alternative, other. Or it can be just mark of primary branch for customer. Can be just true/false in case it’s only primary & other, for example primary: true/false

 Response example


Additional Methods

Get List of Dealer’s Branches

 Request structure

  1. authentication credentials (whichever are applicable) 

  2. Branch ID (optional, required only if sister stores are available)

  3. branches.type In case there is an option for customer to have primary, alternative & other it can be branches.type for example, with values: primary, alternative, other. Or it can be just mark of primary branch for customer. Can be just true/false in case it’s only primary & other, for example primary: true/false

Response structure

List of branches []

Response example


Submit an order

Request structure

  1. po_number

  2. items (multiple tires can be passed)

    1. part_number

    2. brand

    3. quantity

    4. branch (if applicable)

  3. delivery type

  4. delivery instructions

Request example

Response structure

  1. order_number (order or invoice number)

  2. status

  3. items

  4. error

  5. shipping_cost (if applicable)

  6. fet (The Federal Excise Tax (if applicable))

  7. shipping_cost - actual shipping cost for provided tire qty from selected branch

  8. delivery_date - estimated delivery date

  9. cutoff - delivery cutoff time

Response example

Get order status

Request structure

  1. order_number

Request example

Response structure

  1. order_number

  2. status

  3. error

Response example


Get delivery options

Request structure

  1. branch_id

  2. brand

  3. part_number

  4. quantity

Request example

Response structure

  1. name - delivery method name

  2. id - delivery method id

  3. shipping_cost - actual shipping cost for provided tire qty from selected branch

  4. delivery_date - estimated delivery date

  5. cutoff - delivery cutoff time

Response example