Google Product Feeds

Google Product Feeds



  1. Login to TireConnect admin panel.

  2. In case you’re logged under Client’s access go to Dealers → Actions → Product feeds.

  3. In case you’re logged as a Dealer just select Product feeds in sidebar menu.

  4. To add new Google Product feed click New button.

  5. Select Main Google feed or Local Products feed in Feed Type drop-down

    More info about Main Product feed and Local Product feed you can find on Google Merchant Center Help Pages:
    Main Product feed
    Local Product Feed

  6. In case you selected Local Product Feed you should enter Google business location number. You can find it in your Google Business account.

  7. Main Info section.
    Suppliers - list of suppliers that will be used for this feed.
    Name - unique name for feed(you will see it in list of feeds).
    Product type - product type that needed for Google and Facebook. Leave it as is.
    Max results - max items that will be in feed file. We recommend to leave it as is for maximum performance.
    Base url - Base Url that will be used to generate url for items.
    How to create it: Open tire’s summary page on your website and copy link. It will be smh like:

    You delete all parameters after summary and leave only tire_ids[0]=. (it’s better to use URL decode so tire_ids[0] will be tire_ids%5B0%5D= )
    So link will looks like

  8. Select Location which will be used to take tires for feed.

  9. Add Sizes that will be present in feed file.

  10. Products & Filters sections used for filter tire results in feed file. In case nothing selected tires won’t be filtered and it result will be just according to sizes selection.

  11. UTM tags section used in case you need to add UTM tracking to links. In case it don’t needed leave it as is.

  12. Save feed.

  13. Go to feeds list and press Run export in Actions section.

  14. Wait till file will be generated and you will see tires qty and link to export file on this page. You will need file link from this page to add items to Google merchant.

    To copy feed file link click with right button on Facebook feed file and select Copy link address option.

In case you generated Local Product Feed you will need both Product Feed and Product Location Feed links from TC admin panel.


Google Merchant Center

Initial setup

  1. Login to Google Merchant Center: https://merchants.google.com

  2. Setup you account for using Main Feed and Local Products Feed.

  3. In case you see Verify and claim your store's website warning click on Fix it button.

  4. In case you don’t see this message you will need to add and verify your website on one of steps. Enter your website address:

  5. Then Continue and select one of options that will verify and claim your website in Google.

  6. To Continue Setup for Main feed go to Products

  7. Select Upload Multiple Products → See all methods.

  8. Go to 3 step of Main Feed setup instruction.



Main feed

  1. Go to Products → Feeds.

  2. Add Primary Feed using + button.

  1. Select Country of sale, Language and Destinations options.

  2. Add Name for current feed and select upload option. We recommend to use Scheduled fetch so you inventory will always be up to date.

  3. Enter File Name, select upload time options and paste link from backend to File URL Field. Leave Username & Password options blank. To receive File Name take link from admin panel, I.e.
    and remove all before last / and the sign itself so it should look like:
    After all fields will be filled click on Create feed button.

  4. Wait till file will be parsed according to chosen Fetch options. Or you can manually upload it using Fetch Now button.

  5. When file will be uploaded and parsed you will see items in Products → All products.

  6. Then you can setup you ad campaign and use Products for it.


Local Product feeds

Please read about Local Product Feeds. Mechanism for adding Local Product feeds are pretty same as for Main feed but you need both Product Feed and Product Location Feed links from TC admin panel. Product feed could be added using Primary feed option and Product Location Feed using Add product inventory feed button after adding Primary feed.



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