TC Widget JS Searches & JS functions

TC Widget JS Searches & JS functions



Tire Widget Demo

Wheel Widget Demo


Function of the widget should be called when passing search method and parameters of the search. Method can be called just after the .init method. User is able to add several search methods and use them as he needs.

Each method accepts only one argument. It’s an object with search params. Search params look the same as in a url. After calling a method Widget performs the search according to the passed search parameters.



 Tire Widget


Search methods

Note: Parameters highlighted bold - required.


Adding filters & options

You can add filters to any of search methods.

Full list of filters:

  • brand

  • load_index

  • speed_rating

  • price

  • run_flat

  • light_truck

  • category

  • season_id

  • offers


filters: { brand: ['Bridgestone', 'Firestone', 'Fuzion'], load_index: [91, 89], speed_rating: ['H', 'V', 'W', 'S'], price: { from: 100, to: 160 } }


Also, you can add search options to any of search methods.

Full list of options:

  • defaultSelectedQty - provide default selected Qty

  • minQtyInResults - provide minimum searched Qty

  • autoRedirectToSummary - flag, which will say widget to go to summary page if results have only 1 item


{ defaultSelectedQty: 4, minQtyInResults: 4, autoRedirectToSummary: true }

Full usage of filters and options example might look like this

<script> TCWidget.init({ apikey: '[your apikey]', container: 'tireconnect', }).then(function(widget) { widget.searchByVIN({ vin: '[VIN_code]', location_id: [somelocation], filters: { brand: ['Bridgestone', 'Firestone', 'Fuzion'], load_index: [91, 89], speed_rating: ['H', 'V', 'W', 'S'], price: { from: 100, to: 160 }, run_flat: 1, light_truck: 1, category: 10, season_id: 1, offers: 293 }, { defaultSelectedQty: 4, minQtyInResults: 4, autoRedirectToSummary: true } }) }); </script>


Search by Aces

aces_id - Vehicle Aces ID

location_id - Dealer's location ID


widget.searchByVehicle({ aces_id: 268647, location_id: 15290 });

Search by Vehicle

year - Year of vehicle manufacture

make - Make of vehicle

model - Model of vehicle

trim - Trim of vehicle

car_tire_id - Vehicle tire size (optional if just one for this trim)

location_id - Dealer's location ID

season_id - Tire season


widget.searchByVehicle({ year: '2017', make: 'Toyota', model: 'Highlander', trim: 'SE', car_tire_id: '168544', location_id: 12650, season_id: 'all' });


Staggered fitment Search

*kind of the search by Vehicle that using double CarTireID separated by ||

year - Year of vehicle manufacture

make - Make of vehicle

model - Model of vehicle

trim - Trim of vehicle

car_tire_id - Vehicle tire size

location_id - Dealer's location ID

season_id - Tire season


widget.searchByVehicle({ year: '2016', make: 'BMW', model: '228i xDrive', trim: 'Coupe', car_tire_id: '142318||142319', location_id: 15290, season_id: 'all' });


Search by Size

width - Tire width

height - Aspect ratio

rim - Rim diameter

location_id - Dealer's location ID

season_id - Tire season

load_index - Load index

speed_rating - Speed rating


widget.searchBySize({ width: 195, height: 65, rim: 15, location_id: 15290, season_id: 'all', load_index: '89', speed_rating: 'H' });


Search by Size Double

width - Tire width

f - Front tire width

r - Rear tire width

height - Aspect ratio

f - Front tire aspect ratio

r - Rear tire aspect ratio

rim - Rim diameter

f - Front tire rim diameter

r - Rear tire rim diameter

location_id - Dealer's location ID

season_id - Tire season


widget.searchBySize({ width: {f: 195, r: 205}, height: {f: 65, r: 55}, rim: {f: 15, r: 16}, location_id: 15290, season_id: 'all' });


Search by Raw Size

size - Raw Size

location_id - Dealer's location ID


widget.searchByRawSize({ size: 1956515, location_id: 15290 });


Search by Part numbers

part_numbers - Array of part numbers

location_id - Dealer's location ID


widget.searchByPartNumbers({ part_numbers: ['9','90000003278','240','8501','15494650000','402542073','100A1524','1014241','78380','84671','72016','90000007446','38076'], location_id: 15290 });


Search by State & License Plate

state - State

license -  Licence Plate

location_id - Dealer's location ID


widget.searchByLicense({ state: 'NH',  license: '12345', location_id: 15290 });


Search by VIN

vin - Vin

location_id - Dealer's location ID


widget.searchByVIN({ vin: '1N4AZ1CPXJC309165', location_id: 15290 });


JS Functions




widget.addCustomerInfo({ name: 'John Doe', phone: '4564564562', email: 'john@doe.com', zipPostalCode: 'L4S0B8', city: 'Richmond Hill', stateProvince: 'ON', addressLine1: '30 Via Renzo Drive', addressLine2: 'Suite 254', preferredTime: '2020-11-30 17:15', //15 min step wayToContact: 'phone', vehicle: { year: '2020', make: 'Honda', model: 'CR-V', trim: 'LX', carTireId: 162713 } });



editable: true/false (optional with true being default)
singleUse: true/false (optional with false being default)


widget.addSupplierOrderInfo({ poNumber: { value: '111222333', editable: false, singleUse: false } });



Method of widget instance, that allow you to change location externally. It receive only location id.

For better understanding please see example and embedding documentation: Link


function changeLocation(locationId) { searchWidget.changeLocation(locationId); } TCWidget.init({ apikey: 'SUBSTITUTE_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE', container: 'tireconnect', locationLock: true, }).then(function(widget) { searchWidget = widget; });


Wheel Widget

Search methods

Note: Parameters highlighted bold - required.

Full usage example might look like this

<script> TCWidget.initWheels({ apikey: 'd373e2721a7975fe8143c9545b412069', container: 'tireconnect' }).then(widget => { widget.searchWheelsByVehicle({ year: '[vehicle_year]', make: '[vehicle_make]', model: '[vehicle_year]', bodyType: '[vehicle_body_type]', subModel: '[vehicle_sub_model]', option: '[vehicle_option]', diameter: '[wheel_diameter]', locationId: [somelocation] }); }) </script>  


Adding filters & options

You can add filters to any of search methods.

Full list of filters:

  • brandName

  • boreMax

  • color

  • width

  • price


filters: { brandName: ['Motiv'], boreMax: ['73.1'], color: ['BLACK'], width: ['7.5'], price: { from: 109, to: 160 } }


Also you can add search options.

Full list of options:

  • autoRedirectToSummary - flag, which will say widget to go to summary page if results have only 1 item


{ autoRedirectToSummary: true }

Full usage of filters and options example might look like this

<script> TCWidget.initWheels({ apikey: '[your_api_key]', container: 'tireconnect' }).then(widget => { widget.searchWheelsByVehicle({ year: [vehicle_year], make: '[vehicle_make]', model: '[vehicle_year]', bodyType: '[vehicle_body_type]', subModel: '[vehicle_sub_model]', option: '[vehicle_option]', diameter: [wheel_diameter], locationId: [somelocation], filters: { brandName: ['Motiv'], boreMax: ['73.1'], color: ['BLACK'], width: ['7.5'], price: { from: 109, to: 160 } } }, { autoRedirectToSummary: false }); }) </script>


Search by Vehicle

year - Year of vehicle manufacture

make - Make of vehicle

model - Model of vehicle

trim - Trim of vehicle

bodyType - Vehicle body type

subModel - Vehicle submodel

option - Vehicle submodel option

diameter - Vehicle’s wheel diameter

location_id - Dealer's location ID


widget.searchWheelsByVehicle({ year: 2022, make: "Acura", model: "ILX", bodyType: "Sedan", subModel: "", option: "", diameter: "18", locationId: 22592 });



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