Facebook Product Feeds

Facebook Product Feeds



  1. Login to TireConnect admin panel.

  2. In case you’re logged under Client’s access go to Dealers → Actions → Product feeds.

  3. In case you’re logged as a Dealer just select Product feeds in sidebar menu.

  4. To add new Facebook Product feed click New button.

  5. Select Facebook products feed (beta) in Feed Type drop-down

  6. Main Info section.
    Suppliers - list of suppliers that will be used for this feed.
    Name - unique name for feed(you will see it in list of feeds).
    Product type - product type that needed for Google and Facebook. Leave it as is.
    Max results - max items that will be in feed file. We recommend to leave it as is for maximum performance.
    Base url - Base Url that will be used to generate url for items.
    How to create it: Open tire’s summary page on your website and copy link. It will be smh like:

    You delete all parameters after summary and leave only tire_ids[0]=. (it’s better to use URL decode so tire_ids[0] will be tire_ids%5B0%5D= )
    So link will looks like

  7. Select Location which will be used to take tires for feed.

  8. Add Sizes that will be present in feed file.

  9. Products & Filters sections used for filter tire results in feed file. In case nothing selected tires won’t be filtered and it result will be just according to sizes selection.

  10. UTM tags section used in case you need to add UTM tracking to links. In case it don’t needed leave it as is.

  11. Save feed.

  12. Go to feeds list and press Run export in Actions section.

  13. Wait till file will be generated and you will see tires qty and link to export file on this page. You will need file link from this page to add items to Facebook Catalog or Shop.

    To copy feed file link click with right button on Facebook feed file and select Copy link address option.




Facebook catalog

  1. Login at Facebook Commerce Manager: https://www.facebook.com/commerce_manager

  2. In case you have no shop/items it will redirect you to: https://www.facebook.com/commerce_manager/get_started/

  3. In case you already have shop/items please move to 9 paragraph.

  4. Click on Get Started button.

  5. Select Create a Catalog option and press Get Started.

  6. Select type choose Ecommerce - Products

  7. Configure Settings. Select Upload Product Info and add name to Catalog.

  8. Finish. When catalog will be created click View Catalog button.

  9. To add items to Catalog select Catalog → Add items.

  10. Select Use bulk upload option.

  11. Select between File Upload and Scheduled feed. We recommend to use Scheduled feed so your inventory will be up to date.

    In case you select File upload just download file from TireConnect backend and upload it using interface and move to 14 paragraph.

  12. Paste link to your feed file that you take at TireConnect backend (13 paragraph). Leave Username and Password blank.

  13. Schedule update. We recommend to update inventory on Daily basis.

  14. Select your Catalog name to easily identify it and select Currency. When it’s done press Upload.

  15. Wait till file will be processed.

  16. You can take a look what items were added using Items tab.

  17. Wait some tire till all items will be added to your account. It can take up to half an hour. Then you. can setup add campaign and run Facebook ads. More info about ads you can find at Facebook Business Help Center.


Facebook Shops

  1. Login at Facebook Commerce Manager: https://www.facebook.com/commerce_manager

  2. In case you have no shop/items it will redirect you to: https://www.facebook.com/commerce_manager/get_started/

  3. Select Create a Shop and press Get Started.

  4. If you need to sync some Partner Program that accepted by Facebook you can do it on Get Started screen. In other case proceed to next point.

  5. Select Checkout option.

  6. In case you already have FB page for Shop select it. In other case Create a new page.

  7. Select between Local Business or Place or Company, Organisation or Institution.

  8. Fill in needed fields. EG

  9. Select This page and Proceed.

  10. Create a New Business Account or use existing one. In case you’re using new FB account you can receive an error: “An error occurred while processing this request. Please try again later.“. In this case you should wait some time, up to week, or contact FB support.

  11. Create New Catalog and add name to it.

  12. Check your settings and Finish Setup.

  13. After adding new shop you need to add Items. Process are same as for Facebook catalog. Please use 9 paragraph and below.

  14. Wait till items will be added and parsed. It can take up to half an hour.

  15. Setup and customise your shop.

  16. Wait till shop will be approved. It can take up to a month.

  17. Publish your shop. More info you can find at Facebook Business Help Center.