part_numbers[front] - Front Tire Part number (can be used if part_number is not provided)
part_numbers[rear] * - Rear Tire Part number (can be used if part_number is not provided)
postal_code - Zip/Postal code
Note: In case of using part_number[rear] both front and rear part numbers should be same brand and model.
Response format
Response description
locations | object[] | Array of locations |
id | string | ID of the location |
is_active | boolean | Indicates active/non-active state |
name | string | Name of location |
address_line_1 | string | Address line 1 |
address_line_2 | string | Address line 2 |
city | string | City |
latitude | string | Latitude |
longitude | string | Longitude |
province | string | Province |
province_code | string | Province code |
postal_code | string | Postal/Zip code |
phone | string | Phone |
contact_name | string | Contact name |
logo | string | Link to logo |
dealer_id | string | Dealer ID of location |
external_id | string | External ID of location (could be store number) |
holidays | object[] | Array of locations |
working_hours | object | Location business hours |
country | string | Country |
country_code | string | Country code |
mobile_phone | string | Mobile phone |
bs_account_number | string | Bridgestone account number |
product_url | string | Url to the requested product |
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "notice": "Success", "data": { "locations": [ { "id": 14713, "is_active": true, "name": "The Queen Mary", "address_line_"address_line_1": "1126 Queens Hwy, Long Beach", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Los Angeles", "latitude": 33.7514, "longitude": -118.191, "province": "California", "province_code": "CA", "postal_code": "90802", "phone": "8211111111", "contact_"contact_name": "First Name Last Name", "logo": "https://wl.tireconnect.ca/uploads/dealer/6cfef6833847d6bd0e301bb14879b1164851386a.jpg", "dealer_id": 11295, "external_id": "696969", "bs_account_number": "696969", "holidays": [ { "name": "New Year's Day", "date": [ "date": [ "2025-01-01", "2025-01-01" "2023-01-01"], "open": [ "2023-01-01"09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null "open": [}, { "name": "Martin Luther King Jr. Day"09:00", "date": [ "17:00"2025-01-15", "2025-01-15" ], "open": [ "break": null "09:00", "17:00" }, ], { "break": null }, "name": "Martin Luther King Jr. Day",{ "name": "Easter", "date": [ "2025-03-31", "20232025-0103-1831", ], "2023-01-18" "open": [ "09:00", ], "17:00" ], "open": [ "break": null }, "09:00", { "name": "Memorial Day", "17date":00" [ "2025-05-27", ], "2025-05-27" ], "break": null "open": [ } "09:00", "17:00" { ], "namebreak": "Easter",null }, { "date": [ "name": "4th of July", "date": [ "2022-04-04", "2025-07-04", "20222025-0407-04" ], "open": [ "09:00", "0917:00", ], "break"17:00" null }, { ], "name": "Labor Day", "breakdate": null[ }"2025-09-02", "2025-09-02" { ], "nameopen": "Memorial[ Day", "09:00", "date": [ "17:00" ], "2022-05-31", break": null }, { "2022-05-31" "name": "Veterans Day", "date": [ ], "2025-11-11", "open": [ "2025-11-11" ], "open"09:00", [ "09:00", "17:00" ], ], "break": null }, { "break": null }, { "name": "Thanksgiving", "namedate": "4th of July",[ "date": [ "2022-07-04", "2022-07-04" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Labor Day", "date": [ "2022-09-06", "2022-09-06" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Veterans Day", "date": [ "2022-11-11", "2022-11-11" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Thanksgiving", "date": [ "2022-11-25", "2022-11-25" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Black Friday", "date": [ "2022-11-26", "2022-11-26" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Christmas Eve", "date": [ "2022-12-24", "2022-12-24" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Christmas Day", "date": [ "2022-12-25", "2022-12-25" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "New Year's Eve", "date": [ "2022-12-31", "2022-12-31" ], "open": ["2024-11-28", "2024-11-28" "09:00"], "open": [ "1709:00", "17:00" ], ], "break": null }, } { "name": "Black ]Friday", "working_hours"date": {[ "mon": {"2024-11-29", "2024-11-29" "open": [ ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], ], "break": null }, { "break": null "name": "Christmas Eve", }, "date": [ "tue": {2024-12-24", "2024-12-24" "open": [ ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "17:00" "break": null ]}, { "name": "break": nullChristmas Day", "date": [ }, "2024-12-25", "wed2024-12-25": { ], "open": [ "09:00", "0917:00", ], "break": null "17:00" }, { ], "name": "New Year's Eve", "breakdate": null [ "2024-12-31", }, "2024-12-31" ], "thuopen": {[ "09:00", "open": [ "17:00" ], "09break":00", null } ], "17:00"working_hours": { "mon": { ], "open": [ "09:00", "break": null "17:00" ], }, "break": null "fri": { }, "tue": { "open": [ "09:00", "0917:00", ], "break": null "17:00" }, "wed": { ], "open": [ "break": null09:00", "17:00" }], "break": null "sat": { }, "thu": { "open": [ "09:00", "0917:00", ], "break": null "17:00" }, "fri": { ], "open": [ "break09:00":, null "17:00" }, ], "sunbreak": {null }, "opensat": [{ "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "17:00" "break": null ]}, "sun": { "breakopen": null[ "09:00", } "17:00" }, ], "countrybreak": null "United States", } "country_code": "US" }, "country": "United States", "mobilecountry_phonecode": "8211111111US", "bsmobile_account_numberphone": "6969698211111111", "product_url": "https://app.tireconnect.ca/loc/0c88ef1125eecbde56263d5a560b4248#!results?location_id=14713&part_numbers%5B0%5D=000240&show_summary=1&tag=in_pn%3A000240&alt_search%5Bwidth%5D=195&alt_search%5Bheight%5D=65&alt_search%5Brim%5D=15&default_qty=&filters%5Bbrand%5D%5B0%5D=Firestone" &utm_source=BATO_Website&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=tire_quote" } ] } } |
NOTE: In case TIreConnect web page url not filled or external id not valid response will be with empty array.
In case of success you will receive 302 response code and redirect will be redirected to website.