Response format
Response description
locations | object[] | Array of locations |
id | string | ID of the location |
is_active | boolean | Indicates active/non-active state |
name | string | Name of location |
address_line_1 | string | Address line 1 |
address_line_2 | string | Address line 2 |
city | string | City |
latitude | string | Latitude |
longitude | string | Longitude |
province | string | Province |
province_code | string | Province code |
postal_code | string | Postal/Zip code |
phone | string | Phone |
contact_name | string | Contact name |
logo | string | Link to logo |
dealer_id | string | Dealer ID of location |
external_id | string | External ID of location (could be store number) |
holidays | object[] | Array of locations |
working_hours | object | Location business hours |
country | string | Country |
country_code | string | Country code |
mobile_phone | string | Mobile phone |
bs_account_number | string | Bridgestone account number |
product_url | string | Url to the requested product |
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "notice": "Success", "data": { "locations": [ { "id": 14713, "is_active": true, "name": "The Queen Mary", "address_line_1": "1126 Queens Hwy, Long Beach", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Los Angeles", "latitude": 33.7514, ""longitude": -118.191, "province": "California", "province_code": "CA", "postal_code": "90802", "phone": "8211111111", "contact_name": "First Name Last Name", "logo": "https://wl.tireconnect.ca/uploads/dealer/6cfef6833847d6bd0e301bb14879b1164851386a.jpg", "dealer_id": 11295, "external_id": "696969", "holidays": ["bs_account_number": "696969", "holidays": [ { "name": "New Year's Day", "date": [ "2025-01-01", "20232025-01-01", ], "2023-01-01" "open": [ "09:00", ], "17:00" ], "open": [ "break": null }, { "09:00", "name": "Martin Luther King Jr. Day", "17date":00" [ "2025-01-15", ], "2025-01-15" ], "break": null "open": [ }, "09:00", "17:00" { ], "break": null "name": "Martin Luther King Jr. Day" }, { "datename": ["Easter", "date": [ "20232025-0103-1831", "2025-03-31" "2023-01-18"], "open": [ ], "09:00", "17:00" "open": [ ], "break": null "09:00" }, { "name": "Memorial Day", "17:00" "date": [ ]"2025-05-27", "2025-05-27" "break": null ], "open": [ }, "09:00", { "17:00" ], "name": "Easter", "break": null }, "date": [{ "name": "4th of July", "2022-04-04", date": [ "2025-07-04", "20222025-0407-04" ], ], "open": [ "09:00", "open": [ "17:00" ], "09:00", "break": null }, { "17:00" "name": "Labor Day", ], "date": [ "2025-09-02", "break": null "2025-09-02" ], }, "open": [ { "09:00", "17:00" "name": "Memorial Day", ], "break": null "date": [ }, { "name": "2022-05-31Veterans Day", "date": [ "20222025-0511-3111", "2025-11-11" ], ], ""open": [ "09:00", "0917:00", ], "break"17:00" null }, { ], "name": "Thanksgiving", "breakdate": null[ "2024-11-28", }, "2024-11-28" { ], "open": [ "name": "4th of July", "date": [ "2022-07-04", "2022-07-04" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Labor Day", "date": [ "2022-09-06", "2022-09-06" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Veterans Day", "date": [ "2022-11-11", "2022-11-11" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Thanksgiving", "date": [ "2022-11-25", "2022-11-25" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Black Friday", "date": [ "2022-11-26", "2022-11-26" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Christmas Eve", "date": [ "2022-12-24", "2022-12-24" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "Christmas Day", "date": [ "2022-12-25", "2022-12-25" ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, { "name": "New Year's Eve", "date": [ "2022-12-31", "2022-12-31" ], "open": [ "09:00", "09:00", "17:00" ], "break": null }, } { "name": "Black ]Friday", "working_hours"date": {[ "mon": {"2024-11-29", "2024-11-29" "open": [ ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], ], "break": null }, { "break": null "name": "Christmas Eve", }, "date": [ "tue": {2024-12-24", "2024-12-24" "open": [ ], "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "17:00" "break": null ]}, { "name": "break": nullChristmas Day", "date": [ }, "2024-12-25", "wed2024-12-25": { ], "open": [ "09:00", "0917:00", ], "break": null "17:00" }, { ], "name": "New Year's Eve", "breakdate": null [ "2024-12-31", }, "2024-12-31" ], "thuopen": {[ "09:00", "open": [ "17:00" ], "09break":00", null } ], "17:00"working_hours": { "mon": { ], "open": [ "09:00", "break": null "17:00" ], }, "break": null "fri": {}, "tue": { "open": [ "09:00", "0917:00", ], "break": null "17:00" }, "wed": { ], "open": [ "break": null09:00", "17:00" }], "break": null "sat": { }, "thu": { "open": [ "09:00", "0917:00", ], "break": null "17:00" }, "fri": { ], "open": [ "break09:00":, null "17:00" }, ], "sunbreak": {null }, "opensat": [{ "open": [ "09:00", "17:00" ], "17:00" "break": null ]}, "sun": { "breakopen": null[ "09:00", } "17:00" }, ], "countrybreak": "Unitednull States", "country_code": "US",} }, "mobile_phonecountry": "8211111111United States", "country_code": "US", "bsmobile_account_numberphone": "6969698211111111", "product_url": "https://app.tireconnect.ca/loc/0c88ef1125eecbde56263d5a560b4248#!results?location_id=14713&part_numbers%5B0%5D=000240&show_summary=1&tag=in_pn%3A000240&alt_search%5Bwidth%5D=195&alt_search%5Bheight%5D=65&alt_search%5Brim%5D=15&default_qty=&filters%5Bbrand%5D%5B0%5D=Firestone&utm_source=BATO_Website&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=tire_quote" } ] } } |
NOTE: In case TIreConnect web page url not filled or external id not valid response will be with empty array.