Table of Contents |
Request parameters
Parameter | Value |
key string | API key Required |
location_id integer | Location id Required |
part_numbers[] array | Array of part numbers Required |
quantity integer | Desired Quantity. Used to determine suppliers and their branches with enough quantity Required |
Response example
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "notice": "Success", "data": { "nb_results": 2, "tires": [ { "part_number": "000112000063", "brand": "Bridgestone", "stocksuppliers": [ { "id": "QnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDAwMDExMnx8YnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDEyODI1fHxCQnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDAwMDA2M3x8YnJpZGdlc3RvbmVpd3Nsd3N8fDM0MDI3fHxC", "pricequantity": 117.17906, "quantitysupplier": 878"bridgestoneiwslws", "supplierstock": "bridgestone",[ "supplier_name": "Bridgestone DC (Run Day)", { "branches": [ "branch": "D009", { "id": "D005D009", "quantity": 878906, "name": "D005D009 AllentownOntario DC", "typedelivery_date_time": null, { "delivery_date_time": null"2023-11-22", "cutofftime": null, } "timezone": null, ], "notes": null "delivery_date_time": { "date": "2023-12-16" }, "timecutoff": null, } "timezone": null, ] "notes": null }, } { } "id": "QnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDAwMDA2M3x8bnRkfHwzNDAyN3x8Qg==", ] }, "quantity": 17, { "part_numbersupplier": "116833ntd", "brand": "Bridgestone", "stock": [ { "tire_id": "QnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDExNjgzM3x8YnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDEyODI1fHxC", "price": 200.52, "quantity": 241, "supplier": "bridgestone", "supplier_name": "Bridgestone DC (Run Day)", "branches": [ { "id": "D005", "quantity": 241, "name": "D005 Allentown DC", "type": null, "delivery_date_time": null, "cutoff": null } ], "delivery_date_time": { "date": "2023-12-16", "time": null, "timezone": null, "stock": [ "notes": null { } }, "branch": "localplus", { "tire_id": "QnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDExNjgzM3x8Z3JvdXBldG91Y2hldGV8fDEyODI1fHxClocalplus", "price": null, "quantity": 17, "quantity": 94, "suppliername": "groupetouchete", Local Plus", "supplier_name": "Group Touchette", "delivery_date_time": { "branches": [ "date": "2023-11-23", { "idtime": "Default",null, "quantitytimezone": 94null, "namenotes": "Default", null "type": null}, "delivery_date_timecutoff": null,{ "cutoff": null "date": "2023-11-22", } "time": "15:00", ], "delivery_date_timetimezone": { "-05:00" "date": "2023-12-16", } "time": null, } "timezone": null, ] "notes": null} ] } }, { }, "part_number": "001131", { "brand": "Bridgestone", "tire_id": "QnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDExNjgzM3x8bnRkfHwxMjgyNXx8Qg==", "suppliers": [ "price": null, { "quantityid": 2"QnJpZGdlc3RvbmV8fDAwMTEzMXx8bnRkfHwzNDAyN3x8Qg==", "supplierquantity": "ntd"63, "supplier_name": "NTDntd", "branchesstock": [ { "idbranch": "local", "quantityid": 2, "local", "name": "Local - Same-day delivery (if ordered before cut off time)" "quantity": 63, "typename": "primaryLocal", "delivery_date_time": { "date": "2023-1211-1422", "time": null, "timezone": null, "notes": null }, "cutoff": { "date": "2023-1211-1422", "time": "1110:00", "timezone": "-0705:00" } } ], "delivery_date_time": null } ] } ] } } |
Response parameters
Parameter | Value |
notice string | Response status |
nb_results integer | Number of found tires |
part_number string | Tire part number |
brand string | Tire brand |
suppliers[] array | Stock information |
id string | Tire ID |
quantity integer | Tire quantity |
supplier string | Supplier |
stock[] array | An array with stock per branch |
branch string | Deprecated parameter |
id string | Branch ID |
quantity integer | Tire quantity |
name string | Branch name |
delivery_date_time object | Estimated delivery information specific for this branch |
date string | Estimated delivery date |
time string | Estimated delivery time |
timezone string | Time zone |
notes string | Information about estimated delivery |
cutoff object | Information about cut off date&time for current branch |
date string | Cut-off date |
time string | Cut-off time |
timezone string | Cut-off time zone |